Our workshops employ academically renowned artificial intelligence software and live instructor-led discussions resulting in:
Strengthened leadership skills
Improved project collaboration
Proactive brand resilience
Increased innovation
High training ROI
The simulations were developed specifically to engage – adrenalin pumps, emotions rise and participants are tested, as if in reality. The simulated training feels so real, being put into a limited time-frame business scenario with options being thrown at you, with no place to hide. You need to influence others, win support, manage negativity, deliver recommendations, and deal with outcomes. In the end, though it is not real – so you have the ability to test these skills and techniques, without your mistakes costing resources or reputations. Many are faced with a level of decision making in the simulation that they have not yet experienced. This better equips them for bigger roles and responsibilities in their real work life.
Check out this AI Simulation testimonial video.
Our Simulation Workshop Options:
Offered exclusively in the U.S. by Fuse, these four workshops immerse participants in various simulated real-life business scenarios.
Simulated Training Benefits
Immersive learning ensures a high training ROI by:
Grabbing the learner’s attention
Enabling experimentation – learn by doing
Leveraging the most natural way of learning – play
Building on repeated activities to aid retention
Simulated learning enables learners to experience real learning situations which deliver a lasting impact on the individual’s self-awareness, behaviors, and approach to future real situations. Training efficiencies are increased through this method of learning by trial and error.